Middleburg Film Festival 2023 – Sunday : May December

In May December actress Elizabeth (Natalie Portman) arrives in Savannah to observe local resident Gracie (Julianne Moore). Twenty years earlier Gracie left her husband to have an affair with Joe (Charles Melton), who was in Seventh Grade at the time. Now they’re married with three kids and Elizabeth is starring in and producing a movie about their romance. While observing and studying for her role Elizabeth worms her way into Gracie and Joe’s life. As she digs deeper to try to understand what makes Gracie tick the relationship between Joe and Gracie begins to fray.

It’s hard to describe why this movie works so well. It raises a lot of questions about things like media coverage, whether biopics are inherently exploitative, and even what age someone can be responsible for life-changing decisions. But it doesn’t answer them, it leaves you to make up your own mind. That could be very frustrating but the great performances by Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman keep the momentum of the story going.

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