30 for 30 – Episode XIII : When Harry Met Sally

When Harry Met Sally is often considered the best modern romantic comedy. It’s also sometimes thought of as the “chick flick” that even people who don’t like chick flicks like.

The Set-Up
Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) share a ride to New York together after graduating from college. They don’t hit it off at all and Harry theorizes they could never have been friends anyway because “men and women can’t be friends”. Years later they meet again and do become friends, despite Harry’s rule. They end up becoming very close friends, supporting each other through breakups and new romances. Then one night Harry comes over to Sally’s house and they make love. The next day they discover they can’t be a couple and they can’t go back to being friends. Of course in the end they realize they are perfect for each other and get married.

Why It’s Great
The plot sounds formulaic but the story does not feel cliche. There is no silly filler. There’s no B story about someone’s restaurant or career failure. Every single scene is about a relationship. It’s a very accurate portrayal of the differences between men and women. Harry and Sally are opposites that attract, but in a realistic way. They’re not so cartoonishly different that they would never be a real couple like in more cliched rom-coms.When Harry Met Sally

The dialogue is top-notch; there are so many quotable lines. One of my favorites being:  “Everybody thinks they have good taste and a sense of humor but they couldn’t possibly all have good taste.”

Finally, the execution of the script is nearly flawless. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan have surprisingly good chemistry together and Carrie Fisher and Bruno Kirby are perfect as the comedic beta couple. The pacing and comedic timing are flawless. The vocal jazz soundtrack by Harry Connick, Jr. is the perfect complement to the movie.

I recommend this movie to everyone. Even if you don’t like “chick-flicks” I think you can appreciate this movie. It’s funny, quotable, and an accurate reflection on relationships between the sexes.

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