WiiWare’s inaugural year of 2008 was not that impressive. Other than a few great titles like LostWinds and MegaMan 9 there was not many WiiWare games worth downloading on the WiiShop channel. 2009 was a big leap forward for Nintendo’s WiiWare service. The release schedule picked up considerably as not only where there more quality WiiWare titles released in 09 than 08, there were more good games being released consistently. In preparing this list I was surprised at how difficult it was to whittle it down to five best and five honorable mentions. So here are the best WiiWare games of 2009, but let it be known that there were even more quality games released.
Honorable Mention – Bubble Bobble Plus, Castlevania the Adventure Rebirth, Contra Rebirth, Rubik’s Rush, You, Me, & the Cubes