the Smash Bros Diaries – Week 16 – Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch)

Not much to report this week. I played every night except for two this week. Every night I practiced in a different character in training mode and then went into World of Light. I still haven’t quite caught up to where I was in WOL on Easy difficulty, still have a little less than 30 fighters unlocked.

At this point in World of Light, nearly every match is a gimmick match. Having to use spirits almost all the time. I was able to beat a few spaces I skipped earlier so I’m maybe improving?

As I’m practicing, I can’t believe I’m still figuring out little things. Last week I finally realized that you can do aerials with the C-Stick (have mine mapped to tilt attacks). This week I discovered you can drop through a platform and then instantaneously perform an aerial with the C-Stick. I mean, those are both basic things I should have already known, but in theory, they should really expand my gameplay style.

As, SmashCon approaches I’m asking myself the tough question, is Ness really going to be my main? He’s not top-tier and I have to admit I now longer am getting the best results with Ness. I guess it’s because my general skillset is improving.

Looking at the reliable Tier lists, the Top Tier fighters that I’m comfortable or have the best results with are Zero Suit Samus, Lucina, Inkling, Joker, and Pikachu. I’m running out of time if I’m going to change my main, I got to do it now to start improving that character.

Right now, I’m leaning pretty hard towards Pikachu. I’m already maining him for 64 and I’ve been playing him the longest as well. It’s a natural fit.

Next week I’ll head back to online and see how my main nominees perform.

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