After quite a strong July, WiiWare’s August was somewhat disappointing. A few anticipated games were released; including the second release in the Tales of Monkey Island series, a new Mr. Driller game, and a few Nintendo published titles. None of those games were very critically successful. There was only one really worthwhile game on WiiWare last month, and it is the game of the month by far.
Game of the Month
NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits
Publisher: Over the Top Games
Genre: Platformer, Adventure
Cost: 1000 Wii Points
Rating: Everyone
LostWinds showed that Wii control scheme could offer a new twist on the 2-D platformer. NyxQuest refines and adds to what LostWinds did. Players move their character with the control stick and manage the winds and fireballs with the Wii pointer. The controls have a bit of learning curve, but it is a very engaging way to play a platformer. The game has a great level design; it is constantly challenging but never frustrating.