Great in '08: The Best Wii Games of the Year – Game Number 5

5. de Blob


This game is one of the graphical highlights on the Wii. The cutscenes are crisp, and their style rivals cutscenes on any system. The in-game art direction is also impeccable. As you play each level you add more color and more variety to it. There is an overall cartoony and charming feel to the game as if you are playing a Pixar movie. The soundtrack perfectly matches the mood of the game play.

The game is not all style and no substance though. One of the best parts about the game is its balance between challenge and relaxation. Each level’s different tasks are rated by difficulty. You do not have to complete all of them to finish the level; you can pick and choose as you go. At the end of the level you are awarded a medal and badges based on your performance. Depending on your mood de Blob can be an intense gaming experience or a time to relax.

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