E3 – Nintendo's Press Conference

So, I’ve been incredibly busy with school, work, and movie stuff, so I haven’t been able to keep up on all the E3 happenings after day one. I did watch the Nintendo Press Conference and plan to watch a lot more of the demos and announcements when I get some free time that’s not booked with a game I need to play or a movie I need to watch for review.

Anyway I thought the Nintendo’s conference was…boring. The big thing announced as Wii Motion plus an accessory for the Wii-Mote that allows control near 1 to 1.  Many journalists have been saying this what the Wii-mote should have been all along.  The demoed it with “disc dog”, jet-skiing, and plastic sword fighting. The controls look fun and intuitive, but I’m not excited for much but the sword fighting. Hopefully this mean a Star Wars light saber game?

The rest of the conference wasn’t so exciting, they announced a Grand Theft Auto for the DS and an Animal Crossing for the Wii. Not that interested in either, not being a fan of either series. Animal Crossing is coming to come with a Wii-Speak device, Nintendo’s take on voice-chat. It’s a speaker/microphone instead of the typical headset mic. It allows “whole rooms to talk to each other”.  I’m glad they’ve finally addressed the voice issue, but wonder how effective this is going to be. Are we going to be hearing people eating their cereal while playing Mario Kart? I think the storage crisis is much more important, personally.

They also showed some interesting stuff with Shaun White snowboarding which will use the Wii Balance Board. That looks like fun, but I’m not buying Wii Fit, because my apartment is too small.  They also showed off Wii Music, which looks like a huge disappointment right now. You just shake the Remote and Nunchuck in the rhythm you want and the game automatically plays the melody for you.  Looks lame, but I bet my niece and nephew will love it.

So nothing really caught my eye and made me super excited on Wii at this year’s E3. Except for Mega Man 9. I’m debating whether to buy it one WiiWare for the superior d-pad or on XBLA for the achievements. I’ll probably have to buy it on 360 because they’re won’t be any space on my Wii!

By the way tons of place have E3 coverage up still. IGN’s Limewire is still up and so is Gamespot’s E3 section. X-play’s daily podcasts have also been E3 related lately.

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